Saturday, June 2, 2007

7 More Things

Good Sam, originally uploaded by scoobers1.

Jenni started this off by 'tagging' me with seven random facts about me. Here are 7 more things that just came to my mind.
I am at work at 4:10 am. All my tasks are done. Everyone is sleeping (thank you, Ambien). Here are 7 things I do to occupy my time:

1. Write in my blog.
2. Play Text Twist.
3. Read my book or various catalogs/magazines.
4. Surf the net and answer email.
5. Eat.
6. Walk the stairs (12 floors!)
7. Plant my face in the desk


Sandi said...

Plant your face in your desk! Not even sure what that means. However, I do understand Text Twist - great stress reliever and quite addicting.

Jenni said...

The first 5 of those things are exactly what I do with my down time. Although, sometimes I'll mix up my Text Twist with a Mahjong Solitaire or some other free game I'm trying out (gotta love!).

Hope you had a great weekend!

Renee said...

Thank you so much for the kind words you left me. I needed to be reminded of that entry today because I haven't been as good as I should be. Thanks for being an angel with that "nudge" I needed.