Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another of Life's Ponderings

Sitting around painting, I emailed C to to tell her to give me a word, a subject, a saying for inspiration. Her word... was 'fart'.

This is what I came up with:

The Sound of Silence by Kathy-rine

If a tree falls farts in the forest
and there is no one around to hear it,
does it make a sound?

Ponder, ponder, ponder.


Jenni said...

Whoa. That's deep, man.

Mandy Lou said...

If the tree farts like my husband - then yes...

Scoobers said...

yes, jenni. i have been told that i am a very deep and complex person. i think, therefore i blog. that and i can think up a whole lotta crap in very little time.

mandy lou- sounds like you need some good plugs for your ears and Glade plug in's for the wall ;)

kimmyk said...

mind boggling indeed.

Anonymous said...

You are so crazy... That is why I love you : )

Anthony said...

If it farts loud enough, do the other trees fall down?